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Thursday, May 24, 2007

too bad they're not joking

George Bush, John McCain and Ted Kennedy go into a bar... Sounds like the beginning of a good joke, but it really goes something like, "George Bush, John McCain and Ted Kennedy write an immigration reform bill..." Yeah, they promise border security and enforcement, but the joke is on us when at least 12 million illegal immigrants suddenly become legal, not to mention relatives who will become eligible to immigrate. We could be looking at 60 million or more high school dropouts over the coming decades that have to be employed, fed, housed, and cared for in their old age. The Sierra Club should be screaming bloody murder over all the trees that will be cut down to build the neighborhoods necessary for this kind of expansion. The AARP should be wetting their Depends because this just speeds up the Medicare train wreck. Jesse and Al should be panicked by the fact that inner-city blacks will be all but written off for employment prospects at a decent wage due to the guest worker program, and that blacks in general will be a mere rounding error when it comes to traditional Democratic political calculations.

Ordinarily, I would see 60 million brown Catholics as a blessed bulwark against the rise of Islam in America, but this is a welfare state. If we didn't give away so many freebies, I'd be for as much legal immigration as possible, but it's just too damned expensive under our current system. Our tax code is another problem. You would think that tens of millions of new taxpayers would be good, but how many of them will actually end up being net payers? Most of them won't make salaries large enough when combined with credits and deductions to have a federal tax burden, and the Earned Income Tax Credit may actually GIVE many of them money back! Then you have the federal and state Children's Health Insurance Program subsidizing their insurance, which they generally won't get from their employers. From where (or whom) will that money come? Is George Soros going to pay for all of this? Even his billions won't put a dent in it. I've learned to love The Bomb, but this immigration bill is a 100-megaton financial nuke counting down underneath our economy. If you want to see the gory details, read the reports at

1 comment:

Thomas Jones said...

People who pay taxes SHOULD get money back. I've said before and will say it again: there are other ways to raise taxes besides taking it from people's incomes. ALL retirement income should not be taxed. There should be no such thing as a ROTH IRA or traditional ROTH because by default people who retire ARE special. They did their time their whole life, contributed to community, why shouldn't they get something back? If the money in all retirement accounts were NOT taxable, we wouldn't need social security.

Why can't local communities police themselves? Let each state take care of its needs. The only thing the government is responsible for are major roads (that run across country), educating people (and even this is questionable given how awful public schools are), and national defense. Otherwise, everything else should be left to states or communities. But of course this will never happen.

Contrary to belief, there are quite a number of legal AND illegal immigrants who do NOT suck off the system and actually contribute to the economy and make money to support their families. They are to be commended. I don't think we should hand citizenship to them, but I think we should give them a chance, through paying fines and doing their time (working) to get on the path to becoming legal.

Like anyone else, it is the criminals of the lot of immigrants who get reported in the news media because their stories are sensational. The honest ones slaving away everyday aren't news because mudane reports of slaving away at a job are boring.